सामग्री पर जाएँ

बिहार का परिचय/अशोक

विकिपुस्तक से

Ashoka's Inscriptions

In 1837, an English scholar named James Prinsep first read Ashoka's inscriptions (Brahmi script). In the Sinhala Anushruti (Chronicles) - Dipvamsa and Mahavamsa, the title Devanam Priya has been used for Ashoka. Ashoka's name was also mentioned in the article received from Maski in 1915.

The history of Ashoka is based on his inscriptions; Information about life, internal and international policy and expansion of the state is available.

Ashoka was the first king who addressed his subjects directly with the help of his inscriptions.

Ashoka's inscriptions are in Brahmi, Greek, Aramaic, and Kharosthi languages. Whereas all the pillar inscriptions are in Prakrit language.

The script of the inscriptions of Shahbazgarhi and Mansehra is Kharosthi. The inscriptions of Taxila and Laghman are engraved in Aramaic script. The Shar-i-Kuna inscription is bisyllabic. These are inscribed in Aramaic and Greek scripts. Ashoka's script was first discovered in 1750 by a scholar named Tiefenthaler.

In 1837, James Prinsep succeeded in reading the inscriptions of Ashoka. The rock edicts of Dhauli and Jaugada are called separate Kalinga inscriptions. In this, all human beings have been described as their children.

The pillar inscriptions of Kaushambi and Prayag mention the donation of Ashoka's queen Karuvaki. That is why it is called the queen's inscription (Karuvaki was the mother of Tivara). Only this queen is mentioned in the records.

Dhamma is mentioned in the Bhabru inscription of Ashoka.

Ashoka has been addressed as Devanam Priya in his inscriptions. In the Bhabru inscription he is called "Priyadarshi" while in Maski he is called "Buddha Shakya".

Ashoka's name is mentioned in Maski, Gurjara, Nittur and Udegolam inscriptions. In the Puranas, he has been called Ashokvardhan and in Dipavamsa, he has been called Ujjaini Karmoli.

Inscriptions of five sequences

1. Long inscription 2. Short inscription: Ashoka's name is written only in this, found at three places in Karnataka and one place in Madhya Pradesh. 3. Isolated inscription 4. Long Pillar inscription 5. Mini Pillar inscription

On all other inscriptions only “Devanampiya Piyadasi” (Beloved of the Gods) is found as his title and the name Ashoka has been omitted.

Inscriptions have been found on rocks, polished stone pillars with tops, caves, and clay bowls. <reference> https://www.upschindi.com/2019/03/ashok-buddha.html?m=1 </reference>