सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिपुस्तक से


Uses, Limitations, and Options


FancyH3 is Intended to replace the H3 heading with a more colourful alternative.

This can be used instead of the standard ===Heading===.

Because it still uses that tag, it will be correctly displayed in the automatically generated Table of Contents, (TOC).

Note: To remove the TOC for the page just make the entry __NOTOC__.

This template is called for use with:

{{fancyh3|This is the First Bit | ; this is the second bit...}}

It does this:

This is the First Bit  ; this is the second bit...

There are limited formats in this version.

Do not attempt to use this template for an H4 tag by simply reducing the font size since it will still display in the TOC as an H3.

Consider making a new one for h4 instead. See also fancyh2.

font family, (default, Lucida Handwriting)
font weight, (default, bold)
font color, (default, maroon)
heading font size, the first part of the heading, (default, 18pt)
tails font size, the second part of the heading, (default, 50% of that above)
text background color, (default, transparent)
text alignment, (default, left)
bottom border, the underline, (default, 8px solid lightsalmon)
padding, (default, 5px 5px 0 5px, for top, right, bottom, and left respectively)