साँचा विवरण[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज़ करें]
यह साँचा अग्रलिखित लुआ मॉड्यूल पर आधारित है: |
[सम्पादन]This template creates an automatic printable version in Lua, from the summary, by displaying its pages contents, and transforming their names into titles 1 (that's why it's recommended to use titles 2 into the pages).
[सम्पादन]- {{{1|}}} : optional, the book table of content page.
- {{{2|}}} : optional, the book main page.
[सम्पादन]- If the table of characters is the first page, the template can be called without any parameter ({{Printable}}). Eg: Microsoft SQL Server/Print version.
- If the table of characters is not the first page, specify it in parameter one (eg: {{Printable|X Window Programming/TOC}} into X Window Programming/Print version).